One Piece Fanon Wiki

The Devil Pirates are a group of devil fruit users that sail in the New World. Due to the power of the group, their bounties are sky high, many reaching over a billion berries.


All members of the Devil Pirates have some sort of devil fruit, although what devil fruits they possess are under speculation. Many members primarily come from the Grand Line, however, some are from other parts of the world.


Sakar D. Khono: Captain

Derbi Roscoe: First Mate

Bones: Fighter

Rockefeller Hayward: Navigator

Prist Callaghan: Swordsman


As soon as the Devil Pirates were formed, they terrorized the seas around the first half of the Grand Line. Due to their infamy, the World Governmenthid their existence from the world. Due to the pirates method of leaving no survivors, they went under the radar for many years.

Somehow, they crossed over the Red Line, and soon, they were in the New World. After making a huge scene on an island, and accidentally leaving 3 survivors to tell the tale, their legend spread like wildfire throughout the world. With no other choice, the World Government released bounties fro each crew member.
